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The Danzplanet Character Info Sheet!

-The Main Four-

Hank M. Porridge

Hank is portrayed as a comedically average guy with hidden talents who has
his silly moments sometimes. His day-to-day activities include but aren't
limited to reading, sleeping, sometimes jammin', and talking to The Main 4.
Rarely, he can be convinced to do big activities in the world, where he then
switches to a more nervous and sheepish manner. The only time he is
portrayed with more confidence is when he is with his girlfriend, Rachel, in
which he will take more risks and talk with a degree of wit.
And yes... he is a big blue bunny

Theodore "Toast" Vogel

Toast is a character in Danzplanet that starts off as a homeless runaway teen
until he bumps into Coolman. They are a part of the main 4, and are
considered the main character of Danzplanet: Now Showing. He often sparks
a dynamic with Hank, as they are still getting along but the story grows as
they start to see each other as brothers. Phyiscally, Toast is the shortest
character in the show, and often wears a brown hoodie, blue pants, and
stands at just 5'2 with his military boots.

Jeremy "Coolman" Campbell

Coolman is the ultimate comedic relief of the series. His character is
essentially a wild card for how he reacts to situations, while also having the
means to fund various misadventures thanks to his father's wealth. He was
the one who invited Hank and Toast to live in the Main 4's House, and first
befriended them. Finally, his family history is the history of the entire series,
as most major events are orchestrated by his half-brother, Dean, or funded
by his father. These factors combined lead CoolMan to be a kind of main
character of the series compared to the rest of the Main 4. His character is
slightly deeper than a simple comedic relief, though. He can have moments
where he shows (slight) intelligence, although never the book variety. As he's
an extrovert, he has a good amount of emotional intelligence, and often will
make quick friends with anyone he talks to, such as with Toast or Hank. This
also makes him really easy to get into, which is why he has his signature
bodyguard, Dan.

Dan Abascal

Dan Abascal is a main character in Danzplanet as he's part of the Main 4.
Being Coolman's bodyguard causes him to be around him a lot, He acts as
the rational and logical side of the group and also knows hand to hand
combat if needed. Whilst the smartest, he can have his "moments" if you
pick up what i'm puttin down, he might be slightly dumbed down when with
the main four because their all kinda goofy. Dan's "bodyguard" position was
assigned to him when he was hired by Coolman's dad and has been his most
loyal bodyguard yet, overtime he bonds more and more with the main four as
they feel more as friends than "Coolman's friends"

Character Name Nationality Height Weight Age
Hank American (Chicago, Illinois) 6'3 220lbs 26
Dan Portugal 5'8 160lbs 23
Coolman American (Orlando, Florida) 5'7 150lbs 22
Toast German 5'0 100lbs 19